How to register ORCID

How to register ORCID in SIRA?

To add your ORCID code to CV, you must access at Curricul@ and go to the 'Personal Information' block, in the 'Personal Information and Professionals / Identifiers / Contact / Cassifications / Photo' section. Please see the following image:


Once there, if you go to the 'Edit' option:


The form to fill in will appear where the field to fill in the ORCID code will be found in the final section:


We take the opportunity to remind you that, once a change has been made to the CV, and it is updated just before leaving your CV, you must select the 'Disconnect/ Submit' option.

If we can help you with this or any other matter that we can, please do not hesitate to contact the SIRA support team.

What is ORCID?

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a 16-digit code that allows the scientific production of an author to be uniquely and permanent.

For more information and how to obtain the ORCID code, you can consult the Library Service website:

You can also contact the unit in charge of supporting ORCID issues through their contact form.