Query research data
What is the query research data? - GREC for society
The query research data is a dynamic search engine of the research activity developed by the UIB. It includes a service for making queries and searches within the different research reports, taking advantage of the information previously introduced at Curricul@ by the researchers. In this way, a global and interactive access is granted about all the information on research activities developed by the UIB.
Currently, data consultation is carried out using the database of the old GREC platform, which is kept updated and synchronized with the data entered into Curricul@ SIRA. In the near future, a new research data access interface will be launched that will be directly connected to SIRA, thus facilitating more complete, flexible, efficient and integrated access to information.
The production of each of the research institutes can be found by accessing their web portals: Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies (IMEDEA), University Institute of Health Sciences (IUNICS), Institute of Interdisciplinary Physics and Complex Systems (IFISC), Institute for Applied Computing and Community Code (IAC3), Institute of Hispanic Studies in the Modern Age (IEHM) and Institute of Teaching Research and Innovation (IRIE)